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Tuesday, 30 September 2014

Top 5 best GUI based Turbo C/C++ Compiler alternatives

This post is extraordinarily devoted to the individuals who was requesting  Top best GUI (Graphical User Interface) based Turbo C/C++ 3.0 Compiler IDE  (Integrated Development Environment) Alternatives.

turbo c 3.0
Original Turbo C 3.0 IDE

As we all know that Turbo C/C++ 3.0 was the king of coding in 19's .Turbo C is an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) and compiler with pre loaded Editor for the C programming coding  from Borland. Initially presented in 1987, it was know as its speciality of little size, quick arrange speed, complete manuals and low cost.

As we all had completely takes a shot at our most loved legendary Turbo C/C++ Compiler, I called it most loved in light of the fact that its the only compiler when 19's gentlemen begin coding on blue screen and  taking steps in the C/C++ language .

Also Read: How to Download and Install Turbo C/C++ on Windows 10 32/64 bit

WHY?? We need New Compiler !!!

Demerits of Turbo C/C++ 

  1. Turbo C/C++ is a 16 bit compiler!! , and all present Operating System are running on Architecture of either 32 bit or 64 bit.
  2. The greatest measure of memory that a Program/Project can utilize on Turbo C/C++ is 2^16 = 64 KB, which is less as contrasted with current projects!
  3. Turbo C/C++ 3.0 does not support modern casts - only C-Style casts.
  4. You can never take in the ideas like exemptions, Template based libraries (which are currently at the heart of C++ )  like with Turbo C/C++.
  5. Ugly GUI !!!! - its like dos based console.

" So for the amendment of these above disadvantages of Turbo C/C++ we are proceeding to list the Top 5 best Turbo C/C++ Great GUI based Alternatives "

1. Code Blocks (Free) 

Code::blocks is a free C, C++ and Fortran IDE constructed to help its clients. It is intended to be exceptionally extensible and completely configurable. 

At last, an IDE with all the peculiarities you need, having a steady look, feel and operation crosswise over stages. 

Manufactured around a plugin system, Code::blocks could be stretched out with plugins. Any sort of usefulness might be included by introducing/coding a plugin. For example, ordering and debugging usefulness is as of now given by plugins!

 Download Code::Blocks For Windows

2. Bloodshed Dev C++ (Free) 

Decently Bloodshed Dev C++ is a full-offered Integrated Development Environment (IDE)  for Learning C/C++ programming dialect on windows working framework. Dev-C++ is Free Software circulated under the GNU General Public License.

  •  Support GCC-based compilers
  • Integrated debugging (using GDB)
  • Project Manager
  • Customizable syntax highlighting editor
  • Class Browser
  • Code Completion
  • Function listing
  • Profiling support
  • Quickly create Windows, console, static libraries and DLLs
  • Support of templates for creating your own project types
  • Makefile creation
  • Edit and compile Resource files
  • Tool Manager
  • Print support
  • Find and replace facilities
  • CVS support 

  Download Dev c++ for windows

3. Visual Studio Express Edition (Free) 

Microsoft Visual Studio Express offers compelling advancement instruments for all ability levels and gives you a chance to outline incredible looking and simple to-utilize applications utilizing a natural move and customize interface originator. Express Edition items are intended for hobbyists, understudies, and beginner designers. In that capacity, they fail to offer the full broadness of gimmicks found in higher-end Visual Studio. The client interfaces are altogether streamlined to guarantee that incidental gimmicks don't meddle with the learning methodology.

4. C-Free 5.0 (Trial of 30 days)

C-Free is an expert C/C++ integrated development environment (IDE) that backing multi-compilers. Utilization of this product, students can alter, construct, run and debug programs. With C/C++ source parser included, albeit C-Free is a lightweight C/C++ advancement device, it has influential peculiarities to give you a chance to make utilization of it in your undertaking. 

 c-free download

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